Who I Am

Learning and Creating New Innovation is my passion


Hello!, My Name Is Jake Mofa, And I Am A Python Developer Who Has Expertise In Back End Development, Learning And Discovering The Aspects Of A Front-End Developer, While Striving To Do Full Stack Development.

But I Still Consider My Self As An Inspired Softwaer Engineer Always Ready To Learn Everything Haha! And Push My Self Beyond And Surpassing My Limit

Currently, I am Based in the Bay Area of California, to be precise Let's Say San Francisco HaHa!, But before i came to California, I studied,lived, and obtained my degree in a place in Africa Called Cameroon.

In Cameroon, i lived in a city called Douala, and while in Douala, i lived and grew, while i studied my education system in a diffrent region in Cameroon. Despite that The area where i grew up in or rather Cameroon is known to be Bilingual with French and English

And It was rather unfortunate that the place where i grew up in was an only frecnh speaking zone, so i was compelled to learn,and undertand french, It wasn't really like i had any choice Haha!.

What Prompted me to Start Coding?

Well While in Cameroon, i knew i had to decide to pick a major, which at first i was uncertain about, and originally i chose to be a Mechanical Engineer, but after a few years, giving it some thought i fell in love with Technology and wanted to do something diffrent

Falling in Love with Technology may sound easier as it sounds,but by then just probally because i may have watched a movie called "Hacker" and i realised that the whole world revolves around Evolution and Man is Bound to change, meaning everything is being Digitalized.

That's When i then decided to make a split-decison and evision my seld with a diffrent major as a software engineer, but long and behold i should have pictured what i was getting my self into.

The first Programming Language which i got into and started programming with was the Basic and fundamentals of C++, it was then after i studied and did C++, that i did some research and started learning Python.

While Python being my second to first langugae i stuck with it, mastered it did multiple projects and concurrently still used python in my every day life, work, building scripts, automation testing, integrating and many more.

But then i realised being a Python Developer alone,and just knowing python wouldn't get me know where, that's when i started learning Python Frameworks and it's corresponsive popular library that is currently wanted by most employers

Oh and how i learnt these languages, well while studying in Cameroon, they taught us our first language which was C++ which was the mere basics but i didn't see my self progressing or going anywhere with C++ that's what prompted me then to learn Python

Upon learning Python, i then learnt how to automate scripts using automation, then i rapidly progressed, using python to webscrape, using selenium, beautiful soup, conjure and configure API's.

But once i got a mastery of Python my thirst for knowledge was still not satisfied and after doing some research, i aquired that most Software engineers need to posses both front end skills, back end skills and also have a wide range of Databases,REST API's And Cloud System.

And you bet it that's exactly what i did, aquired knowledge of Js frameworks, such as react and nodejs and python frameworks such as Django and Flask, combining these knowledge now able to build full sclaed websites.

Thank You for taking a look at my blog page!. I will try my best to always keep this page updated.