About Me

Creative, Photography,Greek and Norse Mytholodgy, Anime


This is What i am About here i would talk about Some Norse Mytholodgy, Share some Pictures i have taken, and also enlighten you with Some Small touch of anime Recap

Norse and Greek Mytholodgy?

Well While i have taken a deep understanding and passion for both Greek and Norse Mytholodgy i guess some people find it hard to see the diffrence. That is kind of right and true there is a difference between them and really not so simple to spot out. I truelly do love and have taken a deep passion between the two, just that within both of them in on there exists Odin and in the other one their exists Zeus, while in both similar Thor is son to each of them but in contrary both do no exist at the same time, hey i can also be wrong HAHA!

I would beleive to say Within this Norse Mytholodgy is really intriguing knowing that Loki had three children, Fenrir the black wolf, The world Serpent Snake Jörmungandr, and the goddess of death, Hel.

The World Serpent Snake


Welcome to my Photo's, Here are some Pictures i have taken

Hello Welcome to my Photography Section, These are some pictures, that i have taken and what prompted me to take then was just the inspiration of nature

Thank You for taking a look at my blog page!. I will try my best to always keep this page updated.